Where is the package?

I think they should be. I had a baby in transit for 3 weeks and the customer was very patient. Everyone kinda gets this virus is ruining everything for everyone :joy:

I called the post office this morning and they finally updated his scans. He is in NY but still not home. I am okay with that sighhhh!!! Yayyyy


He made it!!!


Iā€™ve never had trouble with USPS. But last week I mailed a package to @CortneeLLRN. They took it all the way to her town, then they marked that she had moved and left no forwarding address so it arrived back to me Friday. She didnā€™t move. Thereā€™s no reason that package shouldnā€™t have been delivered. It makes absolutely no sense at all. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I would be sooooo upset!!! Well, I saw my mailman drive up and down our street three times yesterday lolol

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Part of my understands the lack of PO employees but I also feel like theyā€™re able to make more excuses due to the pandemic.
There was zero reason for that package to get all the way to my town (then show as out for delivery on 3 different dates) and then just get sent back. I know it never made it on my postmanā€™s truck because heā€™s awesome and knows me (he likes to come see my pup).