Thank you, Mel!
I just thought something funny, imagine we create a collective reborn. Each person do something they love that the other dislike… I wonder what the final result would look like !
Oh that would be fun…each person do a thing or 2 and then pass it on to someone else? Or something like that.
I’m with @jlesser I love painting all the creases and little fat rolls
LOL!, I’ll be only ‘buying a new kit’ part.
I like to start on them and don’t like to finish. And I drag assembly for months
I love mottling and doing the washes that give the baby depth! I take pictures between a few and I love seeing the difference a few layers makes
Details! the milia, lanugo, painting the hair, adding little textures here and there. I pretty much love everything after the skintone is done. The mottling, creases, and wash layers get a little boring for me.
Undertones are my favorite part!