What now😖

This babies eyes are different size!! Now what can I do? I didn’t notice until I put the eyes in. I ordered a size up hoping so much of the white don’t show! I don’t know if that will help or not. This has been one of the hardest that I have ever had to do. Starting the to very hard Vinyl.

And this will make the third set of eyes that I have bought for this kit. It called for a 18 so I got a 20 because their oval and they were way to small. So I order the 22 but still had to feel in with cotton. This is what you see. And now I have a 24 ordered. I’m at my wits end!


Well he sure is cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so worth the headache :rofl::smile: great job!


What kit is this? Very cute. A long time ago I experienced this same thing with a kit. One eye was a different size. 18mm in one and 20 in the other. Drove me crazy!!

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Well hopefully it won’t be so noticeable once I put a 24 in the bigger eye. My fingers are crossed!

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Sometimes a sideways glance helps.


I tried with these eyes. But maybe the other set will look good that way. Now just gotta worry till the others come in and see.

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Those eyes look good to me.

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I’ve noticed this with several kits I’ve done recently. Of course it is more noticeable once the eyes go in and perfectionism sets in. I think your baby looks great even with different shaped eyes. We probably all have asymmetrical eyes if we look close enough :thinking:


Well thanks ! That makes me feel better.

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Thank u all so much!

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I might be weird but I don’t think they look bad. I think they work for him. I’ve seen some slightly older babies that don’t have a lot of white showing yet. Those are pretty eyes and I think he has a realistic expression, and he’s really cute.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 96 hours due to a large number of community flags.

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Why was this thread closed?


Foolishness from a troll. :kissing_heart:


Oh… yay!!! :joy::joy::joy:


I still wish that we had a couple of moderators that could correct things like this before they caused an issue and risked getting the forums shut down. Sigh


SO getting back on course. OP: which eyes did you decide to go with?


That’s what I would like to know🤷🏻‍♀️