Watch my Granddaughters reaction to my first reborns


So cute, was she afraid of it??

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LOL, that’s funny!! :slight_smile:

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She had no idea about reborn babies. She thought it was one of those anatomically correct babies that they had seen. When she opened it, It scared her. She literally cried for an hour after opening. She loves the baby now but it scared her to death. She had no other explanation for her reaction except that it scared her.


That’s the funniest thing ever!

That was priceless.

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That was funny!

Too funny!!!

HAHAHA! What a hoot!

I love it!

Hilarious!!! She jumped away from that baby like it was gonna bite her!!! Lol

Oh bless her x That was too funny :smile:

Awwwww…poor her…but it was very funny just the same…!!