Traveling Pants Box 2

Don’t forget PUPPIES!!! Lololol


I hope she does too!!! Were they labeled for Nikki or do you just mean the rest of what is left in the box? I hope you mean the latter because I didn’t see anything with Nikki’s name on it when I had it. Unless Amanda or Melissa added something… :thinking:

Hope you had a joyful night Nikki!!! :hugging: :kissing_heart: Thank you so very much for all of your hard work in putting this together!!! You’re such a sweetheart!!!


If this is the box I was included on, there were gifts specifically marked for Nikki. @Nikkiroc, did you get the gifts with your name on them?


I did @micholc !!! Thank you so much for the eyes!!! You are so sweet! I will post pics of my goodies on a different post tonight! The boxes motivated me to reorganize doll kits! I’m neck deep in bodies over here!!! Lolol


Ha! That sounds sooo wrong. :wink:

Isnt it funny the things we say without thinking, but sounds way different to others?

Like my 6 yr old came and told me “Um Mom… Dad is using your Baby Cooker for cooking dinner!!!”


I bought 2… the amber nuwave is for food… the clear dome and extender ring is for reborns… :slight_smile:


I know this is a super old post. I was wanting to see what old traveling pants boxes looked like. But I got distracted by this conversation. What ever happened with your mail lady? Did you ever start getting your packages delivered? :grimacing: