Don’t forget PUPPIES!!! Lololol
I hope she does too!!! Were they labeled for Nikki or do you just mean the rest of what is left in the box? I hope you mean the latter because I didn’t see anything with Nikki’s name on it when I had it. Unless Amanda or Melissa added something…
Hope you had a joyful night Nikki!!! Thank you so very much for all of your hard work in putting this together!!! You’re such a sweetheart!!!
If this is the box I was included on, there were gifts specifically marked for Nikki. @Nikkiroc, did you get the gifts with your name on them?
I did @micholc !!! Thank you so much for the eyes!!! You are so sweet! I will post pics of my goodies on a different post tonight! The boxes motivated me to reorganize doll kits! I’m neck deep in bodies over here!!! Lolol
Ha! That sounds sooo wrong.
Isnt it funny the things we say without thinking, but sounds way different to others?
Like my 6 yr old came and told me “Um Mom… Dad is using your Baby Cooker for cooking dinner!!!”
I bought 2… the amber nuwave is for food… the clear dome and extender ring is for reborns…
I know this is a super old post. I was wanting to see what old traveling pants boxes looked like. But I got distracted by this conversation. What ever happened with your mail lady? Did you ever start getting your packages delivered?