Someone asking me to change price on baby

So now the same lady says to me, how quick can you mail her??? If you can really soon I can pay full price?’! I’ll just use my check!!! And then says oh let me know and I need all the glass beads out too!!!:grin::grin::grin:

I wouldn’t make any changes until money is in hand. How do you feel with this woman? If you’re not feeling comfortable then I would tell her you won’t be making any changes.

I’m not to sure, she seems a bit too anxious to me, maybe I should change my method of payment to pay pal only and not checks

If she pays by check, make sure the check has cleared before shipping and hold the doll for 10 business days before you ship.

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Amy is totally correct. The check has to clear her bank before you remove glass beads and get ready to ship. If she is in a hurry, she can wire the money, use PayPal, go to WalMart and send a MoneyGram. Otherwise she is going to have to wait.

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Everyone has a sad story when they want something. If she’s being honest, yes, I’d feel bad for her, but sad thing is, you don’t know if she’s being truthful. Keep firm. Try not to let your heart guide you when dealing with people like this. Besides, if she only gets $300.00 a month, then she shouldn’t be spending it on dolls, right? I mean, Im not trying to dictate how she spends her money. But for me, I’d never buy something like that when I barely have an income.

She can also pay via Western Union right at home online…

Angel, I have a suggestion for your “client” who wants a cheaper reborn - Bountiful Baby sells them already made painted - in fact they are on sale for $29.00 – If she wants one, she can purchase one of these and it should fit in her budget. She may change her mind about asking you to lower your prices when she sees the difference between hand painted and factory painted. I wish everyone could understand how much money actually goes into reborning and that there are no CHEAP reborns! Don’t sell yourself short for a sob story…because that is what it is. If I were that ill, and needed money for medication – I guarantee you I would not be surfing the web looking for dolls.

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I wanted a doll when I first began reborning - when I saw they were more than I could afford at the time, I bought the supplies and learned to make my own - that is another option to offer. In fact, I have offered that option many times to people I know who ask for free dolls, including family. I offered to show them where to buy supplies, and suggested they buy a kit, and even to come to my house and work together to make the reborn using my paints and oven. I still haven’t had anyone take me up on the offer so I guess the doll wasn’t so important.


I just have a curious question. Why would she want all the glass beads taken out? The baby wouldn’t have any weight and that also makes a lot of work for you.

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I’m guessing, but she probably is looking for cheaper shipping rate - and she will re-stuff when she gets it

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Well I’m only charging 10.00 shipping fee. And I was also wondering the glass bead thing too

Paypal is the ONLY way I do business online. Only people I would ever accept a check from would be immediate family and friends. People that I know won’t stop payment or let it bounce. This person does sound a little odd. I would probably not sell to her at all…but that is just me lol


i agree with everyone here. dont respond to this person anymore. you dont need this headache. i would not trust her at all.

This happens all the time. You need to tell them how sorry you are for their problems and thank them for their interest and then move on. More often than not they are not telling you the truth, you can have a heart but it is usually a scam. I can’t tell you how many of these sob and sad stories I’ve been told. You are far too low on your pricing, you must be less than cost on them?


If someone told me I was “heartless” for not lowering a price, I would simply tell them my sob story about having to pay the electric bill, and mortgage/rent – feed the kids, you know? and I’m sorry but I do not agree that most are sincere because someone who is seriously ill is not pining after dolls…health and getting better is, I’m sure, at the top of their lists. I lost my mother when she was 39 and even though reborns, realborns, etc weren’t even thought of, I can assure you that my mother wanted to be alive and celebrate her 6 children - not dolls - so NO, I do not accept that most of the whining to get something for free is from legitimately ill people. Sorry gang, I am on a pension and wouldn’t even consider asking someone to lower prices on their work. How about we all start asking the sculptors to lower their prices? No - I am not heartless, but I am also not stupid and refuse to believe the stories.


We all have our problems, and while we might yearn for a doll, why would anybody expect doll be any different from other item for sale? I do not believe that people, who are asking for freebies or drastically reduced dolls, are genuine. Actually, I think most are kids that were told if they find one for under $X they can have it, or they are people who will re-sell.