So many tiny holes 😫

Salvaged as best as I can with what I have to work with. So this pretty little girl is about to get listed as a boo boo baby. :confused:


She’s so sweet and looks really cuddly. I would bring attention to the hand in pics and description, but I wouldn’t go too low just because of it.

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She looks lovely, though. What makes her a boo-boo? Just the fingers?

She’s beautiful!

She’s beautiful!! Please don’t sell her too low!! Maybe a slight discount and say why and that you priced her as is. I wouldn’t call her a boo boo! :hugs:

I’ve actually had more kits with pitting than not and I don’t draw attention to it. If I did they would all be boo boos and I wouldn’t make any money.

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The hand is very rough. The paint is awkward in certain spots. I guess I should have waited to read comments before listing her. I put her at $272. But I don’t want an unsatisfied customer paying more and being disappointed. :confused:


Awe! :(. She’s beautiful!

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