Side glance

I asked this in another thread but thought I would just create one for it. When doing a side glance baby, do you need to go up a size in eyes so there is less white showing? Or can you use the size that’s recommended? I have two I’m working on that I’m using German glass eyes, and I’m playing around with looks for them.


It kind of depends on the look you’re going for and how far to one side you want the glance to be. If it’s very far, I’d go up a size. Try both sizes and see which ones look the most realistic.


Thank you! Open eyed babies are new to me and honestly, I’d rather do sleeping babies for a whole lot of reasons lol! I really do love the look of a full side glance. Am I the only one who feels a little creeped out by a baby who is staring straight at me? It just looks - off somehow.


I don’t usually position mine perfectly straight. Even just a tiny bit up, down, toward the center, or a side glance (sometimes barely noticeable) makes a huge difference in the overall facial expression.


The trouble with that is you get one set, then the other one is off LOL!

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I ordered the recommended eye size for the baby I was working on with the side glance. The eyes kept shifting after curing sessions. I finally decided to stuff cotton in the eye sockets then insert the glass eyes…and they finally stated in position.


You put the cotton in before the eyes?

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I’m guessing you put the eyes in from the front?

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Yes ma’am. I use to cut the back out but that was creating too much work for me. Now, I heat the vinyl and insert the eyes from the front. I wear heat resistant gloves but they can get in the way…so burnt finger tips it is. :woman_shrugging:t4:


I use air dry so no heating :wink:

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That is a great idea! I would not have thought of that.


I insert from the front too. I find most of the time the eyes stay positioned better. Me and sharp objects do not get along the older I get.


Lol. Yeah, once I cut the entire back of the eye off :joy::rofl: it took forever to fix it! Never again! Through the front we go…

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I usually use full-round eyes when I do a side-glancing baby. I just find them much easier to get the positioning right and set than with flat back.

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That is good to know! Thank you!

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