Searching match again

Oh wow- long time ago- TY :slight_smile:

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Beautiful baby and beautiful eyes

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I am torn between 2 kits for my daughter (yes I am very picky :sweat_smile:)

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I’m feelin the third one. I think it hits the lips perfectly.

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At first I thought these were all pix of the same baby.
I like the second one as a match to the top baby. So cute!

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1st and 3rd bottom is Trouble, the 2nd is Leny by Didy Jacobsen

Trouble is great match, except eyes. Leny is perfect, except nose too small. I prefer her size (21").
There’s nothing harder than to find a match for our own babies !

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I do agree that the eyes don’t match, but them lips! That is where my eyes keep going to!

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Still, the first one, for the lips, haha! They are unique looking lips. I think you might be able to paint the eyes in such a way, to help match them.

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I may try with Trouble then , as I already have the kit, so nothing to loose ! If I don’t feel the connection, I will do Leny.

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So cute! I have found a toddler picture of myself I was thinking of uploading to see what people thought I could resemble. I want to find some baby pictures too. Once I do, I will upload them!

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She’s so beautiful with her big blue eyes and dark lashes. She’ll never need mascara. Maybe 3 year June will work for her toddler pics.


That’s a good idea!

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She has so long eyelashes I am happy for her that she don’t need to wear glasses :joy:

The shape of the head is off with June, mouth too.
I struggle to find a toddler kit that doesn’t have a round face.

That’s a good plan. In the first set of pictures you showed I like trouble more in the second set I like Leny more.

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I think Leny is the best match overall. The face shape, eyes, nose and lips are all very similar to me.

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