Reborning "disasters" - please share your stories!

Well, I just managed to melt Puddin’s little finger and big toe. Two limbs ruined! I have no idea how it happened. The temp was like always, under the limbs was a rag I always used without any issues.

I guess I’ll try and sell this one as a booboo baby with band aids on his fingers (there is a slight possibility I fix his big toe with some warming up, but the little finger on his hand is melted completely). Grrr I’m so mad at myself!

I burned the hand on my Kylie. Her arm fell off of the sheet while I was taking them out of the oven. Her hand lower knuckle are touched the burner. I have painted it to look like a burn or boo boo which ever you want to say. I will use him/her/ Looks like a him to me, as a teaching aide for workshop class I will teach in the future. A burn class or child abuse or not smoke while holding your child. It opens a lot of doors.