Preparing to start creating!

Thank you so much! I do have a very supportive family! If it wasn’t for them then I most likely wouldn’t have had the courage to even start any of this! I am very fortunate!
You are right, all of the positivity I’ve received so far has only made me more excited to get started! You are all so kind! :blush:
Your little hero is so cute! :dog:

One other thing about dolls for me is that it is one thing my mom and I have always had in common. She has always supported me even when I got to the age where society said I was too old for dolls. She has always had a love for them just like I have. I remember when I was pretty young and I went to a doll shop with my mom and I fell in love with the sugar britches baby but my mom couldn’t afford to get him for me because she was going through a pretty tough divorce at the time but she really wanted me to be able to have him and the shop owner ended up working with us so that we could do Weekly payments for him and I would take my allowance money along with a little bit of contribution from my mom each week until I was able to pay for him and bring him home! I was probably only four or five at the time and I still have that baby. We stumbled across the reborn berenguer babies quite a few years ago and fell in love with them as they were the most realistic babies we had ever seen back then. We collected a good amount of them before coming across these babies. I got my first one back in 2015 and I got my second one in 2017. My mom got her first one in 2015 as well and has gotten two more since then. I always knew that I wanted to make these babies. Ever since we came across the berenguers so many years ago. I made a silent promise to myself that my first doll I ever made I was going to give to my mom. She has always been there for me and supported me so it meant a lot for me to give her my first one. Now, at the time I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with my first one like I did with this little guy. So I have hung onto him for a couple months and she will be receiving him for Christmas this year! I am extremely excited for her to open him. She loves him so much and so do I but I love him even more seeing her with him because she is just so proud!


Welcome to the forum :heart:

To add to the topic a question I’ve been wondering is how long does it take for vinyl to cool after each bake? Can someone please provide an answer/estimate? :laughing:

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I usually wait at least 20-30 minutes after baking to handle the vinyl. I do take the top off of my oven as soon as the timer goes off though since I am paranoid to death of melting a kit.


I’d like to see your Berenguer collection,even if you aren’t selling and didn’t reborn them yourself. :slightly_smiling_face: There is still interest in collecting and reborning them today.


I will for sure get some pictures! My little boy has been “well loved” :grimacing: by my neice so he has lost his hair. It was glued on. But I could try and find some pictures of him when he had it! My girl is safely stored away but I’ll get her out :slight_smile: There are three more at my moms and another one I gifted to a friend but that one I can try to get a picture of!


That’s ok. Vintage things aren’t flawless, that’s what gives them “character”. Plus this group of people are used to seeing things in various stages of assembly and disrepair. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Here they are! Looking back on them now I think they are the same baby! :laughing: he used to have red “spikey” hair that was just pieces of hair glued onto his head to make it look spiked. It was really cute! But my niece has loved on him pretty hard so he’s lost his hair and his lips are looking a little rough. My girl used to have a brown wig but apparently she’s lost that as well! I couldn’t remember because it’s been awhile since I’ve had her out. She has a spot on one of her legs that is losing the poly pellets they weighted her with. It’s just a tiny hole. Guess it comes with age. :woman_shrugging:t3: She is weighted pretty heavily. There are more dolls at my moms I’ll have to get pictures of them later on!


@TrinityCrystal thanks! I was way off about how long I figured it would take to cool!

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You’re welcome. That’s just how long I leave mine to cool. Other artists mileage may vary.


Looks like they’ve help up well. Now that you’re starting to reborn and sculpts are in short supply, do you think you might spruce these up?
Love the pic with your hand holding the paci. She looks so cute.

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Thank you! I did think about using them to test my hair and eyebrows lol but I’m not sure. I might spruce them up eventually but not sure how the vinyl would hold up in the oven with their mouths being split open? Would that matter?

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Here are my moms. Hers are in perfect condition! Mine have been through multiple moves and children! Hers have been put up like a collectible should be :laughing:


Are these babies ‘actual reborns’ or are they store bought dolls? They don’t look like they have much color (mottling, shading etc), just curious. They are cute though.

These are reborn berenguers. We got them 20+ years ago. They are one of the first version of reborns people started making. They are store bought dolls but back then they were the most realistic doll you could find :laughing:


Love the girl in gray!

I don’t do any reborning, so I can’t answer technical questions… But some people use air dry paints that don’t require any baking.

You can always make a separate post on refurbishing Berenguers and probably get better answers!

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I’m pretty sure that @kareninflorida started painting in the Berenguer days. She might have some answers/tips to share.