Preemies, disabled and sick reborns

I mean the beauty that we can sustain life. Years and years ago we couldn’t do that. We just had to watch them die. There’s still joy in parents being able to meet their child and get to love them. To feel their little hands around your finger. Just because they’re early doesn’t mean there isn’t any joy to be had. All the firsts are still their firsts. There are full term babies that pass. Does that mean that none of the joy that parents had with them counted either?


I see what you’re saying. It is amazing how such little tiny babies have a chance today! Miracles.


I think that any kind of real born doll you make, should make you feel happy…when i make my dolls i feel more calm and forget all the stress i have, and when i finish making my doll i feel great "because I Can’t believe I just made a real looking doll! I LOVE MAKING THEM AND THEN SHOWING THEM OFF, BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE LIKE “YOU MADE THAT? IT LOOKS SO REAL!”


Post pictures so we can see your babies, we love pictures here! Oh, and Welcome to the forum, it’s nice to “meet” you.

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Welcome to the forum… please share!

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