This is NOT a BB slam, so please don’t take it that way! Heck, I’ve gotta be one of BB’s best customers. I placed two orders and already received the first one yesterday.
I ordered a Ladybug kit and it was shipped by BB on the 22nd; I got the USPS tracking number in record time, as always…thanks, BB!
Normally it takes 2 days for an order to reach me from BB, but because of the holidays, I figured it might be a day or so later than usual. No problem there; I get it. Today I looked up the tracking info to see where my Ladybug is…ready??? IN NEW JERSEY!!! Ummmm…it had to go right past Grand Island, NEBRASKA where I LIVE, to get to New Jersey. I mean, really??? Evidently someone at the USPS doesn’t know their state abbreviations very well.
I’m sure Ladybug will get here eventually, I just thought it was kind of funny. Sometimes we have to laugh cuz it’s all we can do.
I know what you mean, last month I was getting my BB shipments in 2 days, this month it is taking minimum 4 days. I had one take 8 days.
— Begin quote from “maggiebridget09”
I have problems with the my local USPS all the time. They constantly deliver my packages to other people and vice verse. For the most part, the people in my neighborhood are really great about getting mail to the rightful owner. You’ll love this one, though. A few years ago, I mailed an anniversary card to my daughter and son-in-law, who was stationed in VA at the time. (I live in central PA.) At the same time, I mailed a payment to my heating fuel provider, who is 15 mi from my home. My daughter got the card the** VERY NEXT DAY**!!! It took FIVE days for my payment to reach its destination. Go figure!!
— End quote
WOW! That’s just crazy! And they are closing post offices all over the place…sounds to me like they need MORE help, not less.
— Begin quote from “Mayberrybabies”
I know what you mean, last month I was getting my BB shipments in 2 days, this month it is taking minimum 4 days. I had one take 8 days.
— End quote
Well, I just hope my Ladybug is enjoying her tour of the USA! She won’t get out much once I get her home.