Pabol eye samples

Ooh, those look great! Did you order your samples on their facebook page, or somewhere else? I am curious too. Two weeks doesn’t sound too bad!


I did it on facebook.


Tried to research it more and found a doll fan post saying when you order you have to get 10 pairs of the same eyes… one lady said she ordered 20 pairs and it was $28 for shipping… not sure if it is good or not… gonna do the math… lol


so 10 pairs of size 20mm , half round - acrylic blue eyes @ $1.34 from pabol = $13.40 + $28 (estimated shipping)= $41.40

10 pair of size 20mm, half round - acrylic blue eyes @ $7.49 from BB = $74.90 + $7.95 (flat rate shipping) = $82.85

So half price?! wow


So, including shipping, the Pabol eyes are ony $4.14 a pair. If five people team up and each orders a different color and then trades some it could be a sweet deal for everybody.


I paid $124.70 for 80 pairs of eyes 40 were 20mm size and 40 were 22mm size. That price included shipping charges. They are supposed to be OK to 275 degrees, but I don’t bake after the eyes are glued in so I haven’t tested it.


Pia, which eyes did you buy as they have numerous types? Were they Pabol?

Yes! They were Pabol. I posted pictures of them on another thread! Best fairy eyes! - #21 by pia


They can take a while to make them then post to you. Plus check the pupils are centred my mum has had this problem a bit. My mum orders bulk of them and they are good, don’t go by the 275 heated rule I have twice and both time cracked so keep them out of the oven! Lol

Otherwise I think they are pretty. But BB ones are more detailed and realistic.

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These are Pablo eyes. :grinning: my favourite colour of their eyes.


I just ordered 20 pairs and my shipping was $12 something. I’m waiting for them to arrive but it’s only been a little more than a week. I really liked the samples.


Speak of the devil, my eyes just came in the mail. I guess that makes shipping about 2 weeks. You have to order at least ten of one color so I picked the color I thought I would use most (SD-02) and ordered ten 20’s and ten 22’s. I also told her I was on the fence about the colors because I couldn’t see them in person. I requested some samples of the colors I thought I might want and she sent them with some other colors at no extra charge. Beautiful eyes. I received an oval glass pair of blue that is stunning. I’m not sure when I will use ovals, but they are pretty anyways.


Where do you order the samples from? I can’t even find a website.

I go through Mary Jen on facebook. Just PM her with your email and she will get back to you.

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These are the glass ones.


These are the ones I ordered.


I have that color too! Love it!


I have some sample eyes being sent to me from her she shipped them to me last Tuesday, I thought they would have been here by now but I see others say it takes 2 weeks so they should be here next Tuesday.

My order was held up in California for over a week!


@Greta it is talked about in here… up a few comments. :slight_smile: