Oaklynn budget

I made this baby for my 92 year old Momma. I sent him out today as a surprise. He was painted in 2.5 days. Two brushes for a hair. One

being a large round brush. He doesn’t have a lot of details no magnets. I hope you like him. He was supposed to be for Christmas but I couldn’t wait for her to have him. I like this kit and hope it goes on sale again.


She will love him! Such a cutie.

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She’ll be so, so happy! :heart_eyes:


I’m sure she’ll adore that little sweetie.

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Aww, she’s gonna Love him!!

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Thank you all so much! I will post when he arrives :blush:


He’s precious♥️ Your Mama will adore him!

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He’s Darling!!! Your Mom will be so happy and also so proud of you for making him. :smiley:

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He’s so cute! She’s going to love him, for sure.

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He’s adorable. I think this kit is so cute. Surprised I haven’t heard more about this kit since it’s release. I have one in my stash.

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Your mom is gonna love this lil guy…what a sweet thing for you to do for her!!!


Thank you all again. :slight_smile: I think she will love him. He will be delivered tomorrow. This is my second Oaklynn. Might be an underrated kit, but I’d like to paint it again