Nursery Organization and Cleanup

After 5 months of being in my new nursery room, I finally have it organized in a way that works. Not only did I have many things I didn’t need, I was suffering from “nursery explosion” that seems to happen during the final stages of finishing a baby. I can stay nice and organized through the painting process but once the hair is rooted…watch out!! Plus, I had the Craft Fair recently. I was tired when I brought everything home and just dropped it. :confused:

Here’s the “before” pics:

Here’s the new version!

It took me two days to get this done and I’m so thankful for my hubby’s help with attaching the fabric to the shelf units. I had purchased the fabric months ago at a yard sale for $8…it came in real handy!


Wow!!! Amazing job!!! That’s what I need to do!!!


Looks GREAT, Amy! :thumbsup:


Looking fantastic! I need your organizational skills!


I’m impressed. Nice job.


Must feel good to be back to where you started before the explosion…it looks great and you have a nice working area now…!!


Wow! Nice job! I wish I had a whole room for my “stuff”.

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Wow!! What an improvement!! I need to do this for my bedroom…(my nursery room is a little too empty to need this right now, so maybe sometime in the future :wink: )


Looks great! Now come do mine lol :expressionless: I wouldn’t even attempt pictures at this moment mine looks like I’m a hoarder :weary:


Your before photos made me feel so much better! My guest room / doll room looks like an episode of hoarders right now too. Have been getting so many babies ready for new homes and haven’t gotten it back yet into sane condition. Just hope we don’t have any surprise guests before I whip it back into shape!

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Thanks, @Nikkiroc, you can do it! :slight_smile:

Thank you, @kareninflorida!

@Marissa and @jeanhai, don’t be too impressed. It took me a long time to get it figures out. :wink:

@flymetotheisle, yes, it does feel really good! I kept walking in the room to look :slight_smile:

@otterbaby2, maybe one day you can have a dedicated room.

@sydster, go for it! My bedroom is next, too.

LOL, @angel, we can “play” in July! Yeah, my “before” pics looked like I’m a haorder, too.

@2layz, take it one srep at a time. That’s what I did. I hope I can keep it relatively clean. :wink:

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I had better be organized by then clutter drives me insane, I am taking over the man cave cuz it’s BIGGER, and they never use it lol


Wow, Amy, I need to buy you a ticket to Oz and let you spend a few days in my studio and doll kit/ clothes storage room…lol
Looks great!!! :smile:


Me, too, Angel! I had been “spinning my wheels” for a few days and I realized the mess was driving me crazy. Well, I didn’t really “realize” it, I “owned up” to it. :wink:

Absolutely!!! :smile:

OMG, that would be fun, Starr!! :grinning:

Wow. Great job, hon xx

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Thank you, Sam! :slight_smile:

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wow - looks like you have a really generous space to work in.

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Yes, I was in my son’s old room until my mom moved in with us. My hubby gave me the office and dog crate areas. The dog crates are now under the tv in the living room and his desk is now behind the LR couch. Gotta’ love him! :slight_smile:


My after pictures would look like your before pictures!


Wow…bet you feel much better. My nursery is in explosion mode at the moment. It’s just like you say…it’s fine up until you finish rooting then BOOM!!:ok_woman:

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