Newer BB kits have harder vinyl?

Thank you, Alice, so are yours! :two_hearts:

That’s actually very helpful. I keep hearing “hard” vinyl so I picture something more like the hard German kits. I want Callie. Now that you said she’s rootable I’ll put her back on my wish list. :wink:

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I was wondering if the hardness was compared to other sculpted kits (german vinyl) or compared to BB’s “normal” vinyl

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Just wanted to see if anyone has any updates on how the newer vinyl is working for you? I am having issues with my Marnie kit, and I’m not sure what’s going on. It seems that this vinyl is just absorbing my paint! It doesn’t absorb it as much in certain areas, which is then resulting in uneven skin tones. I may need to strip this kit. So frustrated with it right now!

I painted Felicity and the vinyl is taking the paint very oddly. I’m working through it but I’m not happy with how it looks. I think she’s super cute but just not a fan of the new vinyl. I will be selling some extra kits.

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@BabyFeverBoutique and @Vanniek do you varnish your kits before you paint them? What type of paints do you use? I have a Felicity, I’m planning to pre-varnish, and I use GHSP, so I’m hoping I won’t have too much trouble painting her.

I’m a little worried about my new kits coming from BB. If it’s this same vinyl, I’m hesitant to use them. The head also seems to be taking paint differently than the limbs. I thought maybe I just got a defective kit, but now I’m not sure. Ugh…to keep putting hours into it, or strip it? I may just have to put her aside for a few weeks and start a different kit for now.

I put down a base layer of paint. I haven’t tried varnishing first. Maybe that would help?

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I have stripped once and hopefully never will again. I ended up throwing it out. The smell and mess I can’t take. She looks good, but you’re right the head and limbs are taking the paint differently. Can you post a picture of her?

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If you do try varnishing, will you come back and let us know whether it helps?

Sometimes I varnish and sometimes, no. It’s been selling out and I’m Leary of running out. I use Genesis.

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Yes, I will let you know! I just started stripping her; realized I’ll never be happy with the end result if I don’t. Too much of the paint was just “sitting on top” of the vinyl, and other areas just soaked it in. And after trying to take pics, realized there are those little “waterspot” areas in several spots. I may have to paint a different kit before I feel like doing this one again…lol. Thankfully this is the only one I have with the new vinyl. Although I just ordered Michael and Christopher. I’m not sure what kind of vinyl they will be?

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I had the same issue with my Emma. Some areas wouldn’t take the paint.

With Marnie the paint took forever drying down. I had issues with smudging and I was so nervous about it not curing properly. It just seemed like it wasn’t.

In the end I got through Marnie lol but Emma I put to the side for now.

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I don’t know if anybody else is having this problem, but BB thinning medium is incredibly chalky on the newer vinyl. On the old vinyl, it took fine, but on my Emmy, it got all chalky and not the color it was mixed as.

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It’s possible that was also happening to me. Some spots made it look like when someone puts on too much makeup…lol. Kind of a chalky appearance.

Hi all- I’m looking for updates on this situation now too. :sweat_smile: Just starting Emmy asleep in the hard vinyl, and she’s not taking to painting very well. Soaks in some spots, doesn’t take in others… using genesis. I don’t usually varnish first, but am curious to if anyone has had any luck doing so? Thanks!

I just finished painting Emmy asleep. The vinyl felt strange and the paint seemed to sit on top of the vinyl but still go one quite dark for the first few washes. After two or three washes were baked the the kit started painting and feeling normal, well besides still being harder. There is a spot on the top of the foot that soaked up the paint with every layer and now looks like a big bruise. If I remember to show a picture tomorrow I will.