Need help finding a kit


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Contact some professional sculptors and see if they’ll do that. She’d make a great kit. Or see if BB would do her as an older Realborn. Can’t hurt to ask.

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She’s got wide set, arched eyebrows. This will be important to recreate no matter which sculpt is used.
She reminds me alot of my oldest nephew, he retained that beautiful baby faced look even as an adult. :slightly_smiling_face:

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She is a darling! I hope you find just the kit!

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marcus is way sold out

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Soooo cute.
The last photo shared reminds me of Sanya

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OMG she’s adorable.

Me too! First one I thought of!

I see “Yuki”![image|403x500](upload://uAU8Cc6qoaF2UFYsf2XjnCW0UA5.jpeg)

I instantly thought if Markus too!!!