My one bake baby

What about Emmy with Emmy?

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I had a blast buying clothes for the Emmy I made. When she finally sold she went off with a ton of stuff.


I’d love to see your collection sometime. I’m glad that you pop in from time to time to chat with us. The Emmy you painted turned out really cute, but I like the first one you made the best. :wink:

I hope you paint more babies in the future, but I know your kiddos keep you on your toes.


I’d love to see the reborns in your collection ,i am curious how many :wink:
When you have the time i like it when you pop in now and then :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
But i know kids can keep you busy :blush:
Thank you so mucth for your answere Jessica


I would be scared to use pins to hold in a wig for a young child’s doll. If it came loose, it could be dangerous.

Lovely doll you made. :slightly_smiling_face:

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That is very true! I think I had a different type of “pin” in my head when the suggestion was made. Don’t worry, I won’t be using anything sharp. :wink:


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If you intend for the doll always to have a wig, you could score the head where it will be glued. The glue will go into the scores and you’ll have a better hold.


That is a good idea as well!

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