My first reborn is finally finished and I absolutely love her!

Thanks :slight_smile: She is Maike Legler


Oh! He finally came!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

Yep! And now he’s a little girl lol! I just love this baby and I’m so glad I decided to take a risk and make her biracial, I had a tutorial but I didn’t follow it, I just kinda did what I felt she needed and she turned out really cute (I think so at least)

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I am finishing Nina legler! I am not a fan of this vinyl!!! Especially after working on Presley!

Yes, she is totally adorable!!! More pics!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

I didn’t mind the vinyl, but the nails took paint in a weird way. :confused:
Okay :slight_smile: I need to do a better photoshoot but here are a few more


My fav of your yet!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:kiss::kiss::kiss:

Thanks! I’m SO happy with her! I can’t wait to do my next baby so I can try this skintone again!

Who is next on your list?

No idea, My next baby will be whichever one I chose for my Christmas gift, So it won’t be for a while anyway.

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She is so beautiful!!! Love her skin tone! Gorgeous!!

Thanks! I’ll be painting sometime in the next few days, I can take pics of the paint colors I used and in what order if you’d like. It was surprisingly simple and it worked out great!

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That would be awesome! Thank you so much!

Okay :slight_smile: I’ll pm you the pics and everything. I’m painting right now so probably a few hours from now I’ll send the pics

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Would you mind copying me with those colors? I love her skin tones, thanks. :baby_bottle:

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Sure! I can do that :slight_smile:

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Thank you! :grinning:

No problem :slight_smile: I’m glad you like her! I took a huge risk with such an expensive kit and not doing well on AA and biracial bubs in the past but it worked out!


Me to please❤️

Okay :slight_smile:
If anyone else wants it let me know