Modified pacifer

How do you ladies make your modified pacifiers if the customer can not have magnets? Do I just cut off the nipple and glue white sticky putty? Is there a better way?

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Are they choosing the kit?
If they cant have magnets I personally would ask about the open mouthed babies… I dont like the putty.

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No… I have 2 customers that already bought 2 of my babies from The dolls are already made:-)


When I don’t use magnets, I just send a full pacifier with a clip as a realistic prop.


That is a good idea… I’ll send both. I think at first they are excited about sticking the paci on, but they get over it. Lol At first she asked if I could drill holes in their faces so she could stick the packs in… So, I’m pretty sure she wants them to attach! Lol @jeanhai


I use white Tacky you can get it from hobby lobby my first baby has a paci with tacky and my grandmas baby does also it has not pulled off the paint or stained it. If they pull it off and on it will lose some of the sticky affect just get it damp with water and pounce it with finger to bring the sticky back lol.


Awesome!!! Do you know what section I can find it in? I never once have seen an employee I could ask to help me find something! I feel like I’m on safari at my hobby lobby! :wink:


I got mine up next to the registers it is like poster tack but stronger name is Tacky.


you can also use these glue one half to paci other half has sticky back to place on mouth.

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Thank you so much!!! And should I glue it to the paci, lol… It it just tacks right on??? Lol

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I did not glue the tacky, not sure if it would hold or not. I do glue the poster hangers I sent the link for only on the one for the paci though.

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Thank you so much! I’ll probley just send the package of tacky… That wAy she can replace it when she needs to:-) thank you!!


Your welcome :slight_smile:

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I’ve found the Elmers tacky holds a bit better than the others. I completely cut the nipple off and place a mound of tacky and shape it into sort of a cone shape. It will routinely need to be reshaped but it’s easy to do quickly. I like the idea of clipping a full pacifier on as I don’t really use them much anymore.


Do they sell the elmers tacky at hob lob?


I get mine at Michael’s.

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Ok! Thank you​:kiss::kiss::kiss:


How about that girly glue? Might be more gentle for baby :).

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