Looking for a challenge

I am looking for some challenging sculpts to snap me out of the funk I have been in for several months now. As I am feeling better and better with new meds, I want to get back to learning, not just reborning. My first goal is to paint realistic hair, but I want to up the ante with some additional painting challenges. I recently acquired two vintage Berjusa dolls that are soaking in Dawn prior to another round of stripping. Once they are done, I will need some other ideas. Things I am NOT looking for at the moment are toddlers/children or silicone. I can’t afford a huge investment right now, but a kit or two I can do. So, what are some challenging sculpts???


I just traded for a Coco Malu for the same reason, I find he is a very adorable yet dolly looking kit, I really want to see if I can get him painted to a level that he doesn’t look dolly. Is that what you are thinking by way of challenging yourself?

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I’d say making Angel look cute is a challenge. :rofl:


How about Leilani?

I found Petya by Lena Hucinova and Reike by Linde Scherer to be particularly challenging, but both are adorable. And rieke’s head is so hard you’d have to paint it lol.

I would agree. I have never even considered purchasing her. The prototypes do nothing for me as in encouraging me to want her. Poor baby. It’s not her fault! :slight_smile: But, it would be great if someone COULD and would make her adorable.

How’s about making a Cupid for Valentine’s Day or a leprechaun baby with freckles and orange hair something wild and outrageously alternative that will help you focus on the skills to want to enhance but not so much on the perfection part eh?


Oh my a cupid would be so cute!!