Let’s show our WIP, part 3

WIP Update for HPB

I’ve temporarily stopped working on Zombie#2 because I’m burned out…I’ve been looking at this Anabel kit going on 2 months now (with all the stuff I went through trying to fix the last Anabel kit before I made Morty and now using the same kit for my cousin’s zombie). I’m taking a break to focus on Hybrid Pig Baby.

I’ve got the skin tone as close as I’m going to get to the head. I need to just blush and do nails.

***My question is this…should I blush with normal blushing colors or should I blush with the color that’s on the piglets snout and inner ears? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


I personally like the idea of the blushing done with colors that are already on the head, gives continuity? More like this creature was born this way when you view it as a whole? Do you think those colors are deep enough to do the job?

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I’d use the same colors for blushing. And maybe add some black spots on the limbs as well?


That would be so fun! Just depends how piggy she want it to be. Lol


Might it get a tail, or is that too far off from the story?

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Absolutely beautiful!!!

Cute. All your babies are top notch.

I need to get back into the painting groove, too. My husband and I just moved four hours away from our previous town and my reborning stuff is still packed up. Been so busy with everything else that I haven’t had the chance to sort through it.

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Thank you. Hope you get back to your painting soon. A couple years ago we did some renovations in our basement and I had to pack up all of my stuff and move it into another room so I didn’t get to paint for quite a while. Sucks when you want to paint and can’t.

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Finished rooting TwinA, took me forever.

Working on a Black eyes/demon child for my YouTube

And want to make another alternative, with Isaac, but can’t decide. Vampire, zombie or ghost ? I want something scary. Help me choose ! :grin:


Devil baby!!!


Vampire, he has that calm sleeping look that vampires have during the daytime when they have a full stomach of blood from the night before :joy:

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And still I’m rooting!! So over this, I just want to paint, I have an Ava calling me from a cardboard box for some paint, she is so persistent :joy: but if I put this rooting to one side I know I won’t pick it up again


With fresh blood dripping of his mouth…:+1:

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@EmOh and @EnchantedOrphanage…I’ll have to come up with a story…didn’t really think of a backstory. I only got the idea from a post on Instagram from The Patsy Family…they were having trouble with 3 month Joseph’s head staying on, so they did a video on how to reattach reborn heads, but to be funny on Instagram and to tell subscribers about the new video, they switched 3 month Joseph’s head with their Thistle’s head and took a photo. I thought it was the funniest and cutest thing I ever saw and wanted to make one. It fits with my Sideshow reborns theme I got going on. lol

I wanted to throw in some pinks for blushing to kind of tie in, but I do want to keep the limbs more human. At this time I’m not going to add a tail, since I’m using a human body, I don’t know how I would attach it, besides I don’t want to have to cut little holes in outfits the Pig Baby will share with his brothers. lol

Here’s the photo that started me wanting a Hybrid Pig Baby.


It sure does. That’s when you realize that painting and art are a big part of who you are and what makes you feel good.


Worked on Ava Wednesday, may not get her finished before I move but I’m so happy with her so far.


Science experiment gone wrong, perhaps? Or a result of radiation or something?

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I was actually thinking about something along the lines of experiments gone wrong.

I’m thinking a scientist who works with splicing animal DNA to weed out birth defects, cancers, etc. so animals can live longer and make families and farmers happy, but can’t have any children of her own. She decides to slice her DNA with a pig (since we do use some of their parts in humans and they have similar DNA makeup). She wants to have a companion that will combine her love for children and animals and that she can raise and teach like a child, who can one day grow up to assist her in her lab so she won’t be so lonely. The scientist is also selfish and wants the companion to have the looks of a pig, so it will never leave her for fear of being ostracized because it’s different. Little does she know this Hybrid Pig will capture the hearts of everyone who sees him and will be accepted for who he is, not what he looks like. I can relate to this because at my heaviest I was 450lbs…I’m down to 280lbs on my own, without any surgeries. Because I am funny, a good listener, and have a wonderful personality…I can count on one hand how many times I was ever teased about my weight in all 12 years of school. I never dealt with coming home crying from being made fun of for being big…I was very fortunate to have awesome friends and the ability to make friends easily.

Or I can just scrap all that and give him the backstory of a curse like the movie Penelope starring Christina Ricci (all she had was a pig nose and ears though…not quite the same as a full pig head). I really liked that movie…it was cute.


Some creasing done…I might make this baby Corvin darker skinned


Thank you so much for your kind words, Ineke! They means a lot to me! Everything what I learned is from "Reborn with Me’ Youtube tutorial and THIS FORUM! I don’t have much experience as I started in Jan. 2019 (so it will be my 2 years anniversary soon! Yay!) and I paint slow as I have full time job, but I enjoy the transformation process so much and poor my heart into it :slight_smile:
Thank you again! Hugs!

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