Let’s pretend this is a audition

Your Skya is beautiful.

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I love the way you paint, you have achieved luminescence for sure! You shading is fantastic.


I love your hair painting, we all bring something unique to the table, its so interesting how this artform finds us or we are lead to it. Great babies.


Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

I love the way you describe your babies. To me they are unique, very charming, and definitely show off your skills as a painter :two_hearts:


You have not painted a baby that I do not love :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: The detail is beautiful and truly shows your work ethic!


Thank you so much! That means so much to me! I am finally minutes from home and ready to start painting again. It’s funny, I will have my most valuable/expensive kit to paint, I am afraid I am going to ruin it, like I have gotten rusty or something lol. You boosted my confidence just now😁


I love your style- always looking forward to seeing each baby you paint. The high color babies grab me every time you paint a new one!


Beautiful babies on this post! You ladies are all amazing:)

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Here’s a few pictures of my latest baby, Finneas. He has a video on my IG account with over 32,000 views in the last few days showing off his newborn floppy squishy self:) I’ve been reborning over 7 years now. It’s a joy. The whole process- but you guys know that! I use Golden brand air dry paints (I’m a Mellisa George fan;)) I use genesis heat set varnishes and air dry varnishes. At the moment, and for over a year now, I’ve been stuck on HPBabylocks mohair- it’s my current favorite. My favorite thing lately to do is paint newborn peach fuzz all over my entire kit! The limbs ect- are all covered with soft lanugo baby hair(painted). I Love the effect and haven’t seen anyone else doing this! I tried to take a quick picture and post it here in these of Finn’s fuzzies. I always use glass eyes. To me- the eyes make it or break it as far as realism is concerned. Hmm, I forget the other questions! Oh- why would I want to paint a prototype: It’s simple- I’m a girl with a heart full of dreams! I’ve been an artist all my life. I was the quiet girl who stayed after school to chat with the art teacher about the renaissance masters ect. Creating is just part of who I am. I have stalked and drooled over those prototype babies for years now- in utter amazement! It blows my mind how very realistic these babies can be made. I won’t stop learning and trying to excel in this art form. There are always new techniques to explore. Has anyone tried the flocking that they use for the silicone babies on a vinyl kit?? I have some test limbs here that I’ll be playing around with. I’ll post the results. Thank you so much for tagging me in this thread. It’s thrilling to imagine being a prototype artist. The little girl in my turns to confetti when I think of it!


OMG I absolutely love him!!!

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I adore how each of your babies has their own distinctive personalities and yet all look related :star_struck:

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Thank you so much!

Thank you! I have a hard time not making them all red heads:)

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I love all your babies and I adore your redheads I feel your love for them shine through. Beautiful reborning sentiments love your last sentence so much :heart:


I love your red heads. I have you on my future list of Must Have Reborn Artist. @PaperCityDolls

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Thank you! You know that feeling when your doll is finally done- and just assembled? That magical moment- that’s the confetti moment I’m talking about. It’s so fun- we have to grow up physically in the world- but inwardly- we can entertain that little girl inside of us<3


Thank you! That means so much to me <3 <3

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Im still relatively new at reborning, just about a year and a half now, but i thought id show one of mine too.



Your doing great! :slight_smile: It may not be very long since you started, but you have talent.

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