LEAST favorite realborns

Who’s your least favorite and why? Expression? Size? Limbs?


My least favorite realborn is Brittany. I don’t think I would purchase her again, unless she were on sale. What can I say, ladies? I’m a total sucker for a good deal. :joy: Going to update this to say that I am talking about the KIT and not the REAL Brittany. I would have liked more details on the kit.


When looking back to Realborns I have worked on , my least favorite is Owen awake. Really wished when working on the eyes, I had done a better job.


Kyrie and Aspen Awake. Don’t like Leif’s hands (or any hands with a pointing finger) don’t like Leilani, Miranda Awake. Most of the awake ones look off to me.

I wouldn’t dare say that I do not like any of the realborns as they are made in the image of real babies. However, some I have enjoyed painting more than others.
I think Aspen is adorable, but I cannot for the life of me paint her to my liking. I look forward to trying the sleeping version. Miranda awake seems to be a less popular kit, but I am enjoying painting her for the second time. I couldn’t seem to create preemie Joseph awake to my liking so I put his head on an elf body and he was absolutely adorable.
With the exception of 7mo June and Patience, I do for the most part prefer the sleeping realborns.


I wasn’t real sure about Kyrie until I painted her and fell in love with that adorable face.


The look of some of the open eyed ones don’t seem to translate for me so I’ve only done Joseph awake big and small as far as awake Realborn babies go.


Aspen awake and Ashley asleep. Ashley just felt weird to me, aspen i stripped 3 times before giving up. Her hands and feet are SO wrinkly, and I am not a fan of her expression

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I haven’t made them all, but I dislike Ana both awake and asleep. Evelyn was a “problem child” to me, Brooklyn too.

I did the same with Aspen.

I have a few, but don’t want to hurt real moms and real babies feelings as it’s not their fault. It just how those babies were ‘translated’ into the sculpts. I just can say that open eyed kits does not look real to me.


Exactly…I’m sure that all the real babies are just beautiful…but somehow there are losses that seem
to happen when they try to translate into the actual sculpt…


The real babies are always adorable, but for some reason the kits don’t always look as cute as the actual baby. Sometimes when I don’t care for a kit, I’ll go looking for the pic of the baby only to have to strain to see how the kit was made from that baby. I really hope that if any parents of the babies ever read the forums, they never think we are picking on their sweet little babies. We are only commenting on the kits themselves.

That said, I don’t like most of the awake realborns. Something about the eyes just doesn’t look right to me. I’ve seen prototypes where they look great, but since I’m not Alexa Calvo, I will stick to sleeping ones. Lol


Emma’s arms


I second that, way too long.

All babies are beautiful and perfect to me. They are all made in God’s image – just as we all are. :slight_smile: The scan picks up on an image for that instant (or however long it takes to do the scan) and that is what we get. Just like taking pictures of real people. If you snap the camera at just the wrong time they will have a very weird expression. I just think it is the same with the real borns.


Arias head neck position is awkward to me :thinking:

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I think for me, I would have to say painting Brittany. I was brand new, and WOW was she a struggle. I bought another kit of her though, and will be doing her again, now that I’ve got a good base to go from. She taught me a lot, but the struggles and lessons learned make her my least favorite.

Really? I think it is so squishy and newborn looking!

Idk maybe it’s just me lol! I should buy her and see for myself. But something seems off

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