Kodi Bear pre-order open

He may be too big for me too, but I’ll give him a chance. What’s a few more inches?? :joy:

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I preordered today…I love big babies :slight_smile:

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Oh I can not wait to see yours! :heart:

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Well I better hop on over and pre order him! Originally planned to wait and give my wallet a much needed break for at least a few weeks… That went out the window once I saw he was limited edition. Not taking the chance to miss out on this cutie. :two_hearts:

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I broke over and ordered 2. I plan on keeping one for myself and making the other to sell

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Thank you…Hes going to be fun :grin:

I ordered him from MacPs. I went ahead and paid the full amount because I never know if I’ll have the funds when the time comes to pay in the future. Lol! I can’t wait for him. He’s adorable!

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