Karman dolls mohair help

For those of you who have rooted with mohair from Karman’s dolls, how did you cut it? I have a rosalie Im going to root with sparse hair and im not sure if I just cut the hair in half like other mohair. Ive never used mohair like Karman’s so I dont know😆

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I just cut it in half and tie the cut ends.


I use Karman all the time, I just cut from the bottom, like an inch or so depending on how long of hair I’m going to root and then when I run out I cut another inch off the bottom until I’m all the way at the top that was tied.


Thank you ladies!

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I always cut the hair sections to whatever length I want the end result to be (adding just enough to account for what gets pushed inside.) This way, there’s no waste, and I don’t have to trim the hair when I’m done. Usually with newborns I cut it at 1 to 1.5 inches. With older babies I cut the mohair in half.