Just finished babies

Finished these two this month.


Thank you :heart:

Thank you! I have been doing a little of both lately! Keeps it interesting.

Great work everyone!
Here is cutie boy Michael
One of my fave Realborn babies for sure



So handsome. looknat that beautiful hair.

Thank You, Painted andl lightly rooted, it didn’t take long because she has such a tiny head and I didn’t root much hair.

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She is so cut bald too!

-beautiful and great photos!

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Just beautiful and great styling, you always so your photography isn’t great but it is wonderful, very soft and sweet.

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I get them at target they usually go on a sale a couple times a year, they are sold in a two pack. They are the size up from the shoe box size (I store kits in those) They are basically double the shoe box size, great for storing twins or a big baby, (big Joe fits perfectly). I am guessing they might have something similar at a discount (dollar store)?

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nice rooting, jelly of you rooting ladies!!!

She is amazing! Painting an ethnic doll has been on my ‘to do’ list for a few years, now. But, I don’t know the first thing about painting ethnic skin tones. You have mastered it!

This is my favorite of yours so far!

Thank you so much for the info. I will be on the lookout for some. :purple_heart:

Thank you so much,very kind of you. :hugs:

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love this painted hair.

Thank you! I definitely haven’t mastered it- I got really lucky this time! I really don’t ever get the same result when I paint darker skin. I hope I can keep getting a similar result next time :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thank you :heartpulse: I had my eyes fixed on your page for your Darren clown but I wasn’t quick enough to finish and sell this baby :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::heartbeat:

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I have to say I have never pictured Roux as a girl until now. She is so beautiful!

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