She changed mine a while back and didn’t mind at all.
I do this crazy thing where I let it grow and then cut it off. I really didn’t do much but blow dry it and actually I didn’t have my face on either. LOL!!! My little Pixie needed a hair cut there too!!
Well, I like it! Make-up is nice but sometimes I’m just not feeling it.
I hear ya on that one!! Week days for work the face goes on, weekends NOPE!!!
My last name is Duttinger. Everyone calls my hubby Dutt. My first name is Anne so, it’s Adutt.
ECN is the initials for my nursery: Endless Cuddles Nursery. It was too long to fit as my name on the forum.
Becca because my name is ReBecca. I was going to go with something else originally, but Becca is usually taken on every site so I figured I’d make it my username since I had the chance. Plus it’s simple
@EmilyBB can change it for you if you ask her to! She changed “baby mamma” to “Marydi”.
Well - I see that you suggested Emily too! I just didn’t read the WHOLE thread before I posted! LOL!
Well - I am pretty uncreative too - I am “Pia” because that is my name and when that is too short on a forum, I become “Pia46” since that is the year I was born.
Mine is called a Cotten because his hair is curly not silky. Yours is cutie too.
So lovely to see you! You look like a very lovely lady…no wonder your babies are so adorable…
This is great…love hearing all the stories behind the names!!!
Nice photo Becca…(My first name is Rebecca too but I go by my middle name Starr ) I always went with my middle name because people tend to want to call you Becky when your name is Rebecca and I just don’t think I look like a Becky…
im just too simple…lol my first name is melanie last name is curll so i shortened it to melcurll…lol
I did childcare in my home and the children all called me Debba.My first name is Deborah and my last name Bee.Thinking of making DebbaBee’s Forever Babies my nursery name. What do you all think?
I love Dandelions since it was always my first “flower” of the season and they were almost always snapped at the head so they floated in the water bowl. When I saw the sweet faces blowing away their wishes on the ones remaining to seed, I incorporated the two together, so the lips from the wishers and the dandelion the most favored flower of the young ones, my nursery name came about, Twolips and Dandelions
Yea!!! That’s great!
My name is Bette, but my nursery name is Heartstrings Nursery. Officially, it is “Heartstrings Nursery…where babies are created by hand and chosen by heart.”, but that is way too long to use, so I generally use Heartstrings or Heartstrings Nursery.
Mimi came from my oldest grandchild. When he was little, he had a name for everyone but me, even though I was the one he spent the most time with. When he wanted my attention, he just hollered lol. I called myself Grammie to him and he eventually decided to give me his own name. I still babysit him and his sister and some days I threatened to change my name because that’s all I hear. @Deb @debbabee… I’m a Deborah too. Was a popular name back in 1958 in our area; I went to a small country school and there were 6 Deborah’s in my class… we all had nicknames