June 3 yr

Here are few more links to items that will help.

Tattoo baby hairs -https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B094DH4DZY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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Nice collection of dolls n clothes.

My 3yr June order was just refunded. :sob:


Why ? What happened?

Thank you !

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They sold more than what they had I guess. I’m bummed. I’ve been excited for her release. Hopefully, she’s comes back in stock soon.


I’m very sorry to hear that ,Though I think she sold out the very 1st day! They will probably get more in soon ,Now that they see
more people want her.

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You welcome

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Did you buy the armature for June? If so is it plastic n how big are the balls on it? Like the size of a pea, or a lil bigger? I wanna order mine from this craft store.

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Hi I apologize for getting back too you late , But here are some photos and the balls are pretty big and thick I have purchased one from the craft store but it wasn’t as thick as this one is BB armature is well worth the money and no i’m not a spokesperson for them lol i’m just stating facts.


The photos don’t do it justice it is really big and thick I will find something to compare it too tomorrow also if I don’t answer right away I will okay have a good night.


No problem. I know life happens. Thank you for posting the pictures.

I didn’t get her as I have a baby that I am paying on. :cry: Hopefully I will catch her next time. I can’t wait to see her done by all of you awesome Reborn Artist.


I don’t think this was ever the issue :rofl::rofl::rofl:
They’ve known since they hinted about her release. The problem has been the new factory and thier paint shenanigans. Otherwise there would have been better quality and more quantity first kits. :heart_eyes:


This is what I’m waiting for :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good morning here are the comparison photos I used a paper glaze bottle have a wonderful day.


Good morning I do believe your correct! I have both the 1st and 2nds and they look very nice I’m in the process of painting now 3 kits to do so i’ll post soon as I can enjoy your day.

Good morning. Thank you for the comparison pictures. I may just go with the one from bb.

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