Is this a scam site?

Is innjoyful a scam site?

YES!! See list here.

YES! See above

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Is there any real silicone baby sites?

No. Silicones cost thousands. Individual artists make them not companies.

You have to search for them. They list on social media, personal websites, ebay, etc. Do your reaserch first. I see tons of scams


To add to @jlesser comment, a good way to spot fake/stolen sculpt/poorly made silicones is if they don’t list the type of silicone they are made from (Ecoflex 10/20/30 (or sometimes ecoflex “marshmallow” blend which is a new term circulating) are the usual silicones this is important because certain silicone types won’t hold up over time) and aren’t coming from an artist directly or if they’re not second hand who you can trace back to the artist.
Definitely do your research, there’s a lot of information out there, and feel free to ask questions if you aren’t sure :two_hearts:.