I need measurements

Can anyone tell me the chest measurements of stuffed body 7 month June and stuffed body toddler Emmy?

All I can say is the chest on my Emmy body is slightly more slender than June’s body.I was going to use the torso to make my June on the Emmy body but it looks misplaced like her chest (nipples) is too high with the Emmy body so going to change it and see what it looks like with her recommended body since I have already shortened the torso hoping to make just a chest and shoulders on mine for short sleeved outfits.

I wanted to use the June torso on the Emmy body with the butt crack cut off so she could wear all those cute little sleeveless clothes and sunsuits. I wondered if the rest would fit. I just want chest and shoulders also. Would it be long enough if it was cut right above the nipples? Please let me know how it works.

The nipples are higher than the arm holes. I may give up on her having shoulders.

Darn. I might just have to buy a torso for a bigger baby.

I hope yours works out better than mine. I was sort of disappointed. I am not a fan of the torso at all. I think it should be a couple inches longer and not so scrunched up even on the recommended body. I have only used one on a baby and thought his little crack was up too high.

I think the recommended body is too small overall-too short and too narrow.