I’m sick

I just melted 2 arms and a leg my last coat. Ashley asleep!!!i can’t get another one right now!!! This is the second doll in two weeks. Grrrrrr! I am getting a new oven!!!

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Aww no! How did that happen? What oven did you use? So sorry :neutral_face:

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Oh, no. So sorry this happened. I am sick for you !!

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I have a new wave but not the digital one. I thought I turned it off. I almost never walk away from that oven.

Oh man!! Sorry that happened to you. Maybe they will sell some limbs pretty soon and you can start them over.

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Oh no I’m so sorry to hear that! And especially ASHley she is so sweet

So sorry that happened!! It’s awful, I think it happens to most of us at least once :disappointed_relieved: