I finally managed my first sale at the end of last week

I was so excited last week when I finally made my first sale. Everything was going swimmingly with paypal and the like. The money showed up quickly so I hit claim and hopped onto bountiful baby to gaze longingly at all of the offerings that I might be able to pick up in my next order. Imagine my sheer delight when I saw 10 wonderful realborn kits in the deep discount section of the main page. Knowing that paypal can take up to 24 hours to deposit money to my bank account I resisted the urge to fill up my cart until the morning. I slept wonderfully with visions of beautiful doll kits permeating my dreams.

I awoke the next day to find that only 5 realborn kits remained in the discount area. I checked my bank account, hoping against hope that the money would be there so I could stock up. By the time I returned to the main page, all of the realborns had been replaced… with orangutans and piglets… What rotten luck… (I’m not saying that they aren’t cute, but I have precisely zero interest in painting or owning them)

I am still waiting for human babies to hit the discount area again. I haven’t painted anything in nearly two months now and I REALLY need my fix. I’ve checked the seconds section and the only kits that aren’t sold out just aren’t doing anything for me. I gotta stretch these dolly-dollars and really make them last.


You should post what kits interest you. There could be someone that has that kit at a discounted price.:grinning:


That’s a great thought. I hadn’t considered it. I am mainly interested in sleeping full limb reborns right now because I’m still pretty new and I feel that it helps increase their realism. I do like the cheap shipping and fast turn around time of BB though, so I’ll hold out a bit longer. Perhaps soon they’ll take the critters down.


I have lots of Realborn kits for sale right now!



Awe there you go BB heard you!


You can pay Bountiful Baby straight from your PayPal balance. I only transfer PayPal money to my bank account if I’m planning to use it for regular life stuff. If it’s going to be dolly money, it just stays in my PayPal account and I spend it from there.


I’ll hop over and have a look later this evening.

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Thanks for the tip. Wow! I didn’t know that! I’m still pretty new to this whole thing, but I will definitely keep that in mind.


Wowee wow wow! That timing! <3


Ive always had the money show up right away unless there was a problem for the seller
That.is a bummer you missed the kits.Should have bought them then reimburse your checking account with the money from paypal when it came in. Of course that is counting your chickens but something i would do :blush:
I thought i was going to miss the second of Darren tonite because BB or Paypal or my phone was taking forever and not wanting to go to my account but finally did.


I would have bought them and then reimbursed my account, but my cupboard was bare as it were. No worries though. Good things come to those who wait. I guess I needed that lesson in patience.

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I was looking back through my old posts for something particular and came across this. 10 kits in deep discount at one time?! I can barely remember those days. Feels like we’re an entire world away from that now. It’s crazy how much can change in just a couple of years.


You said it.

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I’m new enough to have never seen BB so plentiful with sculpts, but impressed by how many different new ones have come out recently.

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Yes. Melinda really listened to feedback when she asked what we wanted to see. Now there are so many different expressions.

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