Hubbies with reborns. Post pix here!

This is my sweetie !! This was a few weeks ago and they really have no choice when you drop one in their lap. Plus he really doesn’t like his picture taken :grin:


This is a fun topic! Nikki, I hope your husband doesn’t find out what you did! @anniewalker, I understand about your husband not liking his picture taken - my family hates it that I am like that, too.
I have a question for those who are reading these posts - at the bottom of the list below the blue reply button, my screen has a yellow highlighted line that states “This topic has 1 post awaiting approval.” What’s that about? It has been there since right after the thread was begun. Something new afoot, probably. Makes me wonder who wrote what, and he needs to approve it!


I see it too and I have no idea why. lol


That is how my hubby is!! haha


I wonder!!! Hmmmmmm!!!

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Maybe the husbands hacked the BB sight and are trying to “approve” (or delete! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
@jlesser Your son may not have the same coloring, but if you look at the second pic, look at the shape of dad’s face and the shape of your son’s. Very similar the way their mouths are relaxed, there. Their heads are even slightly turned in the same direction and they are holding their arms the same way.


You are tooooo funny!!!



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Wow. That one post waiting approval is wierd. I wonder if someone tried to post something unacceptable. I started the thread so I feel guilty and I don’t even know what I’m feeling guilty about??? (I have an incredible ablilty to feel guilt. :anguished: LOL


Maybe Micheal Angelos David got ahold of a baby!!! :scream::scream::scream:

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Har, har, har, hee, hee. ROFL here Nikki!


Lololololololol good! Buh bye guilt! :wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


That’s why it is so funny, they sleep the same all the time, at the same time even. LOL
I was blonde haired, blue eyed. pale skinned as a little child. The older I got the darker my hair got. Now it is a lighter brown. My oldest (12 yrs) has a different father and looks just like me as a child. And now my son looks just like her too. :slight_smile:
Hubby is 1/2 Filipino, and 2 of our girls have darker skin, darker hair, darker brown eyes. 2 of the kids are blonde, blue eyes, and our middle 1 is a mix with lighter skin, light brown hair, lighter brown eyes. LOL :slight_smile:


@jlesser I love it! My son used to fall asleep with his dad sometimes and once when they shared a bed at my mom’s they were in exactly the same position, too. Sometimes he would tuck his little head so tight into my husband’s armpit it was hilarious. I think he liked the warmth. The would both lie face up and he’d tuck the top of his head in there. Another funny position: my husband is a heavy sleeper. When our son was tiny (2 years old or so) if his dad fell asleep lying on his back with his feet together, knees flexed and a bit open, he would crawl in there and make a nest, using his dad’s thigh for a pillow and his dad wouldn’t wake up! He also wouldn’t move and never once hurt him. It was like even though he was sleeping he knew he was there. If this happened, and I woke up and saw him there, I’d remove him because I was afraid of him getting hurt, but it happened more than once and his dad never hurt him accidentally. He was a bit of a “daddy hen” when our son was little, though. :smile:


LOL! I have kinda an armpit picture (sounds weird, lol) Hubby sleeps through it until he gets elbowed or kicked… lol.

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I really did laugh out loud at the pictures…You my friend are one BRAVE woman if I did this and my husband ever found out I would be in BIG TROUBLE…Haha


There’s a chance I’m more stupid than brave!!! Lol because I would of taken more… But I fell asleep! :wink:


Naw, I like the word BRAVE better than stupid.

Our brave little Nikki! :smiling_imp: :innocent:

If he ever sees the pic, just tell him the doll was already there and when he fell asleep he looked so cute you couldn’t resist taking a picture. I dislike dishonesty, but in this case, if he can run faster than you, it may be a matter of life or death. :laughing: Or worse: you’ve mentioned in the past that he sometimes makes you stop reborning. He finds this, it’s no more kits for you. :hushed:

Edit to add: Maybe you can threaten him. If he bans reborning, you’ll post this pic all over the net. Hee.


Lolololololol you’re good at this @bebe!


Omigosh LMAO Nikki! Too funny! This is why I love you!