How would you respond or perhaps not?

I’ve had comments like that before. Some even meaner. I would comment back and say, so… what I’m hearing is, you’d like to buy one :wink:


I wouldn’t waste your time, telling her that what she is doing is rude. People like that, know they are being rude. They feed off of it. I’d simply say something sarcastic back and let it go


I would ignore her and wouldn’t block her unless she continues. I bet she’s foaming at the mouth waiting for your rebuttal or feels awkward for saying anything at all.

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I would honestly not reply further, delete the comments, and then block. Seeking out someone’s business page specifically to make an inappropriate comment (one that is not actual critique, isn’t a prospect of potentially buying, or even a concern about your business) is a reason to delete and block.

Folks like that are often commenting just to heckle you or those following your business because they have nothing better to do. I’ve found it’s best to just delete and block them in order to save your business page from getting cluttered with arguments that go absolutely nowhere.

I block along with deleting the messages because more than once I’ve just deleted without blocking and then the next day that user come back to my profile and throw a fit over me, “taking away their freedom of speech,” or something to that effect.


Don’t responce to her just block here not worth to get upset over here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Don’t give her any of your energy, just block x


Block them is what I would do and do not engage


Um, pretty sure the woman was mentally ill. Schizophrenia and other illnesses like psychosis can make people believe things that can not be true.


Whenever someone says that to me I simply ask them Why? Why do they freak you out. Most of the time you will be pleasantly surprised with the answer. It is usually because they look so real. So even though someone is saying it freaks them out doesnt necessarily mean it is not a compliment <3


I agree with this. But I did have someone message me and let me know that this particular woman was not meaning it in a nice way :cry:


Thank you everyone for the advice. Even though I really wanted to respond, I did go ahead and just delete and block her like most suggested to do.