How we treat each other as artists and clients

Perfectly spoken. :heart:

I’m not sure why that was flagged… you said nothing wrong!


I first saw this issue on Haley’s Instagram, but as I’ve read through this, I really see both sides. The one thing I think isn’t an issue at all is the weight of the doll. I mean, I prefer my dolls really light (about 3 pounds), but I totally understand those who have kids or just by preference want them heavier. I would totally reweight a doll or ask the artist if they would make it a bit lighter. It’s not a “make or break” issue at all.


I don’t know the original artist at all, nor follow her work, BUT I do know the buyer and her group from FB postings… they bash artists that sell for high prices and sell a lot of dolls (like me) and it is just wrong, IMO… reason # 1000 why i stick to myself in doll world and do my own thing!!! I blocked her and her group, after they came out with this crazy story… I wouldn’t sell to them anyway, so no point in listening to their ravings… I do feel sorry for the original artist, she might sell over-priced tutorials, BUT no one has to buy them… again, JMO


I hear you and didn’t know that about the people complaining. My question is why would they invest that much money just to bash them? What is the win? Are they collectors? I just don’t get it.

As an artist I want to understand this, is this a thing?

I have heard another well known artist claim that a person was “Just out to destroy me” I don’t know about you but I have better things to do with that kind of money, sheesh.

You are right about the classes and there are a few people who said they have taken them and enjoyed them (in the comments on the adds). It annoyed me but it doesn’t make it a scam.


I think a lot of people share your opinion, mistakes were made and all this could have been handled in a more professional way.


Here are pictures of Frida prototype that Shaylen just finished. It appears that she does pay attention to the head but not so much to the limbs?


And this is a prototype. Maybe she skimps even more for regular customer…