How to root fur - reborn Chihuahua - Complete UPDATED

I hadn’t seen this before. It’s amazing! What an incredible amount of work. Not something I’ll be trying in this lifetime.

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What an Amazing Job !!! Your dog turned out wonderful, Love it !!!

@GrammysReborns have you seen this???

super cute, love him!

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Thank you ladies, your comments mean a lot :smiley:

I got a couple of updates on my dog. First up, she’s had a haircut. The mohair was just matting up too badly even if I only sat her on a cushion so I shortened the underneath a lot and left only the back/sides longer. Big improvement, much better and looks better too as it’s lengthened the leg and made the whole body smaller and finer.

Secondly - and this hurts - I showed her to a relative who said she looks nothing like a Chihuahua, they thought it was a fox cub or an Alsatian puppy :frowning:. I’m not overly sensitive or easily offended by any means but that really stung. I think it’s the fact I spent so much time and effort on her, made it worse. I know it would never look exactly like a Chi, how could it when the kit wasn’t one to begin with? but I had thought/hoped it would be passable. Anyway the time spent on her is done now so no point dwelling on it but that’s why I’ve not been on here, lost heart and couldn’t face it but the lovely comments have cheered me up no end :heart:.


People make such thoughtless remarks sometimes, and families can be the worst. It’s much more than passable, beautifully done and adorable to boot. :hugs:


What @jeanhai said!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Totally look like a Chihuahua, 100% ! Don’t let thoses comments affect you. Sometimes it’s only due to jealousy.

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Looks just like my Poppy but all blonde!!!


It doesn’t look like a Chihuahua to me. The skull shape is wrong. But it is adorable and it does look like q dog. Just not a Chihuahua.

But others opinions don’t mean much. Imo

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Can’t believe 2 years have passed since I did this! Taylorsgirl you are right - the more I have been looking at her the more her head has been annoying me - it just isn’t the right shape. I’ve also now got a real chihuahua so the obviousness of the wrong head was standing out even more lol. Anyway I finally decided enough was enough, I did not do all that darn rooting and pricked fingertips for nothing! I reshaped her head, changed the eyes, altered her body smaller/ thinner, shortened the tail and this is the result:

Personally I think she’s so much better!l She now looks like what I originally had in mind when I started this project. I love her! I’m next going to get the Pickles kits to do up as her babies! :heart_eyes:


Insanely adorable….

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Now she looks like a chi. Great job!!!

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Absolutely fabulous!!

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Just wow! What a heroic effort and a true masterpiece! You should look at bearpile. It is a stuffie site sililar to reborns. You could do amazing there with this kind of skill :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

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Thank you Taylorsgirl for saying the head shape wasn’t right or I wouldn’t have been spurred on to alter it. Mainly because it’s vinyl and I couldn’t think how it could be done! So glad I have though, and altered the eyes. Those fire ones weren’t right for sure.

Peachtree - Thank you! I love bearpile, there’s some amazing work on it! I have actually made a few chihuahua stuffies like the sort you see on there, (lifelike and poseable, I call them Chi-borns! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:). This kit though is a once in a lifetime attempt, the amount of rooting is insane!

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