How long did it take you to.....?

I started reborning last March, gave my first (a Moby Kit, love her) to my mean sister. My second was KImber kit, now i hit the luck train with her, she sold on ebay in 4 hours!! $ 250.00 in 4 hours. I was stunned. My 3rd sat for weeks, so it just depends. I love doing this but it is a market ride. :slight_smile:


@anon77773884 and @DollyPardon like they sayā€¦itā€™s better to give than receive. I never expect anything in return. I think you are both confusing helping someone when they are down with helping someone in exchange for something in return.


@Denise1988 I gave a doll to my mean sister but sheā€™s much nicer now. Loved your comment :laughing: made me laugh.


Dear @Blissfulbabies, I have been helping people my entire life without expecting anything in return. This particular lady, I have all but supported as my own child for the past year, never asking anything in return. I have given her money on top of money any time she needed it, provided many hot meals to her family when a situation arose when she needed it, talked to her until late in the night, held her when she cried, even let her live with me for a while free of charge. During this entire time, I never asked for anything. I also help many other people in any way that I can.

I am a recently separated single mother of a toddler and two disabled older children. I have no family. The ā€œfavorā€ I needed was for her to watch my toddler for a few hours so I could get something done. She was a child care provider, I was paying her, and she got to pick the hoursā€¦ but she was busy. Lol

Thanks for your feedback, but I stand by my original statement. People suck to me right now. I think after all of this, Iā€™m entitled to have a moment to feel this way. After this, Iā€™ll forgive, forget and move on.

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Aw I love your bag idea!!! I would love to do something like that.

Iā€™d really love to volunteer at the homeless shelter or the food bank, but itā€™s all the way across town and my mom doesnā€™t have time to drive me. I think next year Iā€™ll do it since Iā€™ll be able to drive myself. :smiley:


Thank you @izzy :heart:ļø


Thank you @MichelleP20 Hope you are doing well. Howā€™s your doggy?

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Your blessings bags are a great idea. I just may fix up some and keep them in my car so I can give them out if the opportunity arises. I too have some misgivings about passing out money, but there are plenty of other things homeless people need. And if they are really down and out and not just running a scam they will appreciate it.
My DH and I were driving across town one rainy day and we were stopped by a traffic light next to a corner where a homeless man was standing with a sign. He was soaking wet. As we stopped, a car pulled up next to him on the cross street and a college age girl got out of the driverā€™s side, walked over to him and gave him a really nice umbrella and a little hug. He thanked her and looked amazed and so touched that she had done that. It was a simple act of kindness, but it was so genuine and so real. It helped make me see that there are ways besides money that we can make a real difference in someoneā€™s life.
Keep doing what you and your granddaughter are doing. Itā€™s important and you are such a good role model for her!


Thank you so much. You never know what a random act of kindness will do for someone. :heart:ļø


@DollyPardon you are a very generous person with a large heart. You donā€™t deserve that kind of disrespect. Some people expect handouts and will even go so far as to tell you that you didnā€™t HAVE to help them. Iā€™ve been a single mom with little to no support, no child care help and my mother would only help under her conditions. I spent many a weekend by myself while my parents took my brother and sister in law out to eat or a movie. Iā€™ve cried myself a many a night. I once took my toddler child on a job interview cause my caregivers disappeared. Itā€™s now that Iā€™m much older and feel so richly blessed that I want to give back however I can. It fills my heart and has erased all the bitterness Iā€™ve ever felt. I wish we lived closerā€¦Iā€™d be there for you in a heart beat. :heart:ļø:pray:t2:


You are very sweet, @Blissfulbabies. Thank you. Thank you also for sharing your experiences, which unfortunately I can also relate to. It hurts. But you are right- they grow up and it gets easier with time.

For me, though, this sort of thing is a theme in my life, with me being the common denominator. There must be an issue with me- naivety, poor boundaries, something. Until I can identify and address the underlying issue, Iā€™m going to lay low.

Now back to our regularly scheduled thread. Sorry, didnā€™t mean to divert the original topic into this.


@anon77773884, right!!! I may have been all but breathing fire myself! You sound a lot like me- always wanting to help, always wanting to fix things. Then there are people who just seem to be ungrateful and willing to take advantage. Speaking as someone who would almost rather chew mulch than ask for help, I donā€™t understand this and donā€™t think I ever will.


Iā€™m afflicted with the same generous heart AND I believe the best about peopleā€¦always. :heart:ļø

