How do the 2nds with factory paint hold up?

It only needs to reach that temp to cure the paint, I doesn’t need to stay at it for too long. It worries me though that your kits are reaching temp and not for long and getting so shiny

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Be sure to use a very matte varnish 🥸

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I’m also worried, maybe I’m doing something wrong maybe the thermometer doesn’t work and the oven heats up too much, I also thought it should have that temperature for 8 minutes, so it’s good to know that it should only reach that temperature.

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Try to use Genesis matte Varnish on hands and feet, but I think I’m doing something wrong because I can’t get the shine removed, maybe I don’t know how to use matte Varnish genesis either, on my first baby I also tried to use it and it was shiny, it was a small pot I bought from BB the first time, so I ended up using an air-drying varnish with my first baby and it worked perfectly (use the Americana), then about a month ago I bought a 4 oz pot of Genesis matte Varnish from an art store in the USA, use it now for Alexa’s hands and feet, but you saw the result, it didn’t really work, I diluted it with a drops of odoress thinner, I really think the Oven temperature should be the problem, so I will try to lower the temperature and tins with the qtip to see what happens

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I think you need to bake that a few times to see results? I use the Americana with added cornstarch it’s less complicated for me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I will definitely try your advice! I’m too grateful for the time you took to respond and help me, I’ll let you know the results. Also use americana with cornstarch in my first baby and she was great no shine :hugs::heart: but I used only at the very end, when I finish the doll, Don’t really try to bake any babies with Americana, I think I’m afraid to try lol :sweat_smile:

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Be sure to let your parts cool down before you test them with a Qtip.


I Will :heart_eyes::heart::hugs::heart:

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Ooooh no just use it when you are done. You don’t want to add that into the mix…

Just turn down your oven maybe bake for less time and check for curing.

Worry about the shine when you varnish when you are done :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This might be a perfect reason to switch to air dry!!! This whole experience is stressing me out :crazy_face: I can’t imagine your state of mind! I doubt it’s anything you are doing. The vinyl on these new kits is very weird. I’m thinking they may be experiencing shortages and are changing the recipe to compensate


If I’m totally honest, I really thought I did something bad and that I was ruining the kit, and I felt so discouraged that I stopped painting it and almost gave up and said it really didn’t work for this, thanks to your help and that of the other ladies now I feel more animated and I’m going to go on and trust that it will turn out well (that’s hope) for me it’s a huge loss ruining a kit, I also don’t have the money to pay for an expensive reborning course right now, I finished my first baby Just watching tutorials, so I really don’t know what I do, I just trust the process