I’m not sure if anyone here will remember me, but I used to be pretty active in the reborn community a few years back
Anyhoo, I’m planning to get back to it as a creative outlet, now that my kids are all but grown…lol. I just remember the community being such a wonderful aspect of it & I wanted to be a part of that again.
Thank you for the warm welcome ladies! I’m looking foward to reading through these posts & seeing all the beautiful work. Glad to see such an active forum is still going.
Im just coming back too. Its been forever for me too. I remember you. Welcome back. I used to have a monkey named Gia i would share on here thats how most remember me.
Hi Pia! I’m still in Texas
Are you still in touch with Marlin (sp) Carmen, Connie & the rest of the gang? we had such a good group back then! I still talk about our retreat weekends from time to time. All fond memories
Hey, Stevie! We were just asking about you not too long ago!!! How are you doing? Are you still in the Enis area? We should definitely plan to get together soon if you are.
I’m about an hour further south now, but my family is still in Ennis, so we are there often. I would love a get together! Still in Ft Worth I assume?
Yes, I remember you! A few weeks back I was thinking about you and wondering where you went. I still have your amazing painted hair tutorial on my computer after all the years. It’s nice to see you!