The first one was “Eliza” (Denise’s and my daughter). We currently have an “Eliza” kit that was sculpted by Donna RuBert. But there was an “Eliza” that briefly preceded that one.
We scanned our baby Eliza with a scanner we bought from some Russians. The scanner had not yet gotten FCC approval, so they could not sell us one. But they could “loan” us one for a fee. We signed a “loaner” contract, but we also knew they would never ask for it back. When we got our “loaner”, we met them (the Russians) in a hotel room in Seattle. It was a rather surreal meeting.
That scanner is now on the market and has full FCC approval, but I probably shouldn’t name them because of our early access. I don’t want to embarrass anybody. It’s actually an impressive and very respectable scanner for the price (and being sold by at least one major US company in the 3D industry). It was the best we had experienced up to that time.
But it wasn’t good enough. The facial details were severely lacking, and we totally failed to get anything even close to good enough for the limbs. So for that first release, Denise sculpted the limbs, and touched up the details on the face.
We called it a “Realborn”, and began the trademark registration, showing the term as currently being used in commerce (which sped up the trademark process).
And then we dropped the kit as soon as possible and replaced it with Donna’s sculpt. I think it was about 1 1/2 years before Presley Asleep’s release.