Hi everyone! Hope all is well. I am hanging up my hat to reborning. My eyes are getting bad, and my hands are not as steady as they use to be. I tried to continue after my mom and grand daughter died in 2023 but it’s just not the same for me. So, I have decided to sell everything I have after I finish these few customs. I have some really great kits if anyone is interested. All prices include shipping.
Brodie - Hess Le 400 - $105
Kylin -Ross full limbs -$105
Ellie -Kaplanskaya with body -$130
Alin- Burke - $120
Malik -Pigott - $115
Quinlyn 1st edition with body - Brown/Stoete -$125
Tavie - sold out, limited edition 600 -Hess -$100
Mya- Jordan - $90
Lottie - LL Eagles -$140
Li - Lopes - $100 —SOLD
Laura with body - Brown - $110
Ashia with body -LLE - $120
6 Month Grant - $40
Can send pictures if you want. Feel free to ask me any questions.Thanks in advance for taking the time to look!
I am sorry you have had such a hard time. Even if you stop making dolls you can still come here to chat. I hope you are able to find joy in other things maybe too.
Thank you, Angie! I have not allowed myself to grieve properly. I lost a brother and 2 cousins in Oct. 2024. Everything just seems to be snowballing out of control. If I allow myself to cry, I may never stop. But I’m holding on to my faith for I know God is holding me in the palm of His hand!
Not to wax religious, but knowing that Jesus understands sorrow and grief and that he sits at God’s side ever making intercession for us brings me comfort in difficult times.
Isaiah 53:3
New Living Translation
3 He was despised and rejected—
a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.
We turned our backs on him and looked the other way.
He was despised, and we did not care.
It is ok to cry and it is ok to fall apart because tears are part of a process of grief that helps lead us to healing. Tears are cathartic and that is why we are made with the ability to cry, so that we can release our inner pain and burdens somewhat. It does not mean you are any less or weak or in any way not a strong person. I wish I were there to hug you and let you cry on my shoulder. I would. I pray that God sends you along a good friend who can be His point of contact for you to help you through this. Big hugs to you my friend and prayers for a brighter day!
I’m so sorry for your many losses. It must feel impossible to grieve fully when they just keep coming. Sending you all my love and praying a blanket of comfort over your heart
Thank you so much. I needed to hear that. In fact, it made me cry. I wish you were here too! I agree with everything you said. My faith in God is real, so matter what comes my way I know Jesus will work it out. I remember when I was a little girl, my grandfather would to say, child I know God said He wouldn’t put more on you than you could bear, but I sure wish He didn’t trust me so much. Now I know what he meant
So very sorry to hear that you have lost so much this side but we have confidence knowing it is temporary and we will see them again. Jesus promises to never leave you comfortless - John 14 - 16 - 19. I lost my mother in law a few years back. Loved her very much but tears did not come for me - like you, I think I was trying to hold things together but one day about a year later it all broke loose and I cried and cried and cried… after I felt I could cry no more, a peace came over me.
God bless and comfort you and hold you safe in the palm of His hand.
Thank you for your kind words. I know that with Gods help and guidance I will get there. I miss my mom so very much, but it helps that she often visits me in my dreams. Be and stay blessed always!
And in scripture, it says the Lord stores our tears in His bottle. He is aware of every single one and is there to comfort His children though the hardest things this world has to throw at us. He’s always a prayer away and gives us His strength. He says His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9) ; He lends it to His kids.
Thank you for your words of encouragement. Somes when we are in the mist of the storm, we get a little sidetracked. Every one of you have helped me in ways that I can’t explain. Sometimes we need to be reminded that this battle is not ours. To God be the Glory!