Gabriel’s eyes

Do you think Gabriel needs larger eyes. The eye openings are rather small and they are not as forward as when finished.


I think they look fine (I hate that new forum format doesn’t ket to enlarge pictures).
I used recommended size in my Gabriel.


I’d say yes to a size bigger. Do I see a gap in the left eye outer corner?

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I used 18” not round, but I wonder if this is an older sculpt, smaller sockets? I found 20” was the recommended size. Thanks for your response, I think I’ll live them like they are.

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I never had a success with NOT round eyes in any of my dolls. They never feet right for me. Doesn’t matter how much I tried.
Oh, I see that you posted another picture. And Yes, they don’t fit right, too much gaps. Don’t use them.

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Changed to brown 20” eyes

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Thank you for your thoughts, I’ve changed to 20”. :face_with_monocle::blush::blush:


Just my opinion but the eyes look like they have a gap toward the outside edge. I had that happen and I had to open the back more and reset them.They sat in there nicely after enlarging the slit inside the back of the eyes and repositioning them. :footprints: :baby:.