Finishing Harlow... WIP

Beautiful baby and the hair is fantastic! It does however look like a boy to me.

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A boy, really! I’ll be sure to work hard to represent a girl. Lol. Thank you for the compliment! :revolving_hearts:

Wow she’s gorgeous!! I think she needs to be bb prototype!!

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Thank you. That would be nice but the possibility maybe slim. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hmm I don’t think so :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Neither do I.

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@Vanniek and @jeanhai, the kit has already been released. It’s my thought that prototypes are only requested prior to the release of a kit. But, if I’m mistaken…the idea would be splendid.

Great job on your Harlow she is stunning and love the hair!

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This is the best one I’ve seen! I LOVE her!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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They could still use her for advertising as an example of what she could look like.


You think this is how it works? If that would be the case I would replace most of the prot work with the much better ones in place of BB :wink:

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I wholeheartedly agree!


When you get her all finished just try some ‘boy’ clothing on her and see if you can see what I am seeing, please. I just see a GREAT boy.

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