Dotwe 2024


And I think that is ALL, my dear forum-friends!
I’ve done my forum duties to bring the pictures JOY to you (it was a pain to load only 5 at a time, though).

I have more personal pictures on my FB page :wink:


I have enjoyed every SINGLE one of these pictures!!! Thank you SO much for posting them. :two_hearts::smiling_face::two_hearts:

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You are very welcome! :hugs:

Thank you so much for sharing So many beautiful photos for all of us who cant attend events like this.

What kit is this, please, anyone who knows?


This was @ellakabella’s version of Zipporah Arcello (Zippy)


That’s my Zippy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Babies by Susie showed this silicone… who is the sculpt?

And thank you so much for posting all of your great photos. Who was manning your table while you were out taking pictures?


You are very welcome. 90% of the pictures were taken on a set-up date, so I didn’t need anyone at my table.
Show days were so busy that I didn’t have much time to go and explore. But my hubby was my helper - the best helper in the world!

And I don’t know much about silicone sculpts :frowning:


That Tweety is so sweet!! :heart_eyes:

She is incredible! She caught my eye right away!

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Oh, I love this doll–she is Perfection!!! I’ve never noticed this kit before., your work is stunning.!

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She is gorgeous! I somehow missed seeing her on your table.

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Beautiful dolls! Thanks for posting!! x

Wow she’s stunning!!! Looks just like a real little girl!! :star_struck:

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Wow Yelena. I don’t know how you found the time to take all these pictures. Thank you it’s wonderful.


LOL! We had vendor social time after the set-up :wink:
Where were you?

At my table selling eyes and pacis.

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Thanks so much for all the pictures everyone. I so enjoyed getting to see everyone’s beautiful babies!

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