Did you Trademark" Reborn Baby Dolls"?

Oh ,thanks

You know I just searched Reborn Baby Doll on Ebay and 23,327 listings came up.Can she go after that many?

It may be time to get more active in using the term OARB= Original Artist Reborn Baby like we were when all of the china reborns came out


I am sure they are already working on it. Hopefully, it will cost her fortune and the trademark will be revoked. Butif it does go through court it will not happen in hurry; although she may realize she cannot win and she gives up.

How about Authentic Reborn Artist = ARA

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And men I just wanted to add, I know plenty of men into reborns! :slight_smile:

So wispywillowreborns, how do we support you? Write a letter showing when we first used the term? Start a fund or just wait? Knowing the term can be used as long as it isnā€™t capitalized helps. Simple fix too. Makes me want to sell a doll just to see if it goes thru!

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Maybe We should band together, buy the trademark and NOT let her sell her dolls. Take her down every time she tries to use the term Reborn Doll !!!

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No, this term has to be once for all declared to be generic term that can never be trade marked.

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Has anyone seen the Lifetime movie - Donā€™t Wake Mommy? They talk about reborn baby dolls in the movie and show one.

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Interesting. I havenā€™t seen that movie, though.

I have. They make it seem like people who have them are loony. lol

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LOL Arenā€™t we all just a little looney???


Haha!!! You have a point! Honestly, guys play with their toy trains so I donā€™t want to hear it. :laughing:

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Lol my point was the term is even used in the movies.

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Oh I am, I have 7 cats, and I collect toys. Thatā€™s pretty looney if you ask people around me. LOL!

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Oh, I knowā€¦I was just moving on from there. Didnā€™t mean to make it sound like I was ā€œattackingā€ you or the movie. :kissing_heart:

Oh no - didnā€™t take it that way at all! :slight_smile:

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Oh my, apparently Iā€™m late to this nightmare. Seems terribly unfortunate and problematic. I appreciate the suggestions on how to place an ad and not infringe on what now appears to be ā€œherā€ rights (whether it should be or not.) But not at all sure I can keep it straight! Sad and scary.

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