Custom Orders Challenges

Strangely enough, I am considering trying this one more time. A successful custom artist told me that I gave people too many options and let them drive me crazy. Lol Maybe she was right. She gives them the option of gender, hair color, and eye color if it’s an open eyed kit. I’m sure if someone requested a freckle or some other kind of mark, she would do it, but that’s it. And she must be onto something because she does tons of these and does not have problems.

I have heard that custom dolls sell for more. How much more? If my normal average price is $325 or so, what would a custom price be?

Next challenge: I’m actually painting a custom now (I agreed to do this last year), but am having such a hard time painting. I’m stressed out and just don’t want to. I force myself in my dolly room to do it, but can only seem to work for an hour or two before I’m over it and want to get up again. Anyone else deal with stuff like this? Not sure if this is a normal challenge or if it’s just me needing to learn more self discipline.

Any insights into any of this would be appreciated. Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:


It must be something in the air. lol A few of us are experiencing something similar right now. I sell my customs for $350-$400 unless it’s a very expensive kit. Then I charge more. If the customer buys the kit and has it sent to me I deduct the cost of the kit.

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Im having the same problem. I homeschool and my kids are on vacation for a week (France has lots of holidays) and I thought Id be excited about painting but Ive just not wanted to. I had a better day today and I actually got some work done.
Ive been doing the same with my customs. I just ask the hair and eye colour. I would also do birth marks, etc. Im doing my third and forth custom and so far so good. I think my first two were a little more stressful, because they were my first. I am feeling better about it now and Im excited to start Wee Mouse and the other custom is April so very excited about that. I just need to finish poor Ramsey and Uriel.
Do you think maybe you feel like your artistic mojo is being blocked because you are doing a custom?

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That has happened before. Hahaa But this time I’m just dealing with a lot of stress and don’t feel like painting. I’m scared if I try to take customs I will take their deposit and have a hard time following through. Or maybe my work won’t be as good as when I want to paint… unless I figure out a way to paint regardless of how I feel. I normally can happily paint for 8 or 9 hours a day, so this is unusual.

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my customs start at $300 and can go up to $800 for a toddler
I usually price all my supplies and my painting fee and rooting fee if i’m rooting
i offer painted hair at no extra cost

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That makes sense, I mean we are not machines, we are artists and you have to want to do it, not just do it because you are expected to,

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