Cloth diapering for reborns

How do those work? I always used good old fashion diaper pins back in the day! :grin:


If you look at the advertisement page it will show you how they work. They have little hook like things on the back that grabs the diaper and secures it in place. I don’t like using a lot of metal items on my reborns that can’t be covered with felt or something so the vinyl can be protected from them so I prefer to use the clips instead of the diaper pins.

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With those I can get some white cut up white tees. That may be a great option. Going to bookmark them.

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Me, too. I never had a problem with them, and they cost way less. :slight_smile: However, my oldest brother changed my baby sister’s diaper once, and she cried and cried. Would not be comforted. So, my busy Mom took her and checked her out. He had pinned her diaper through her little skin. Poor baby. So, I guess in his case, he was not good with the pins. LOL

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