Can you use ink on a vinyl baby (for eyebrows)?

I had a lady contact me that was “repainting” the eyebrows on a doll she had purchased from an artist. She had completed one side and was working on the other using a pigma micron pen. I had heard somewhere or read it on the internet that there was a problem with using ink on vinyl? Does anyone know about this? I told her I would check this out.

If I am correct it will eventually bleed out and look like a smudge and you can’t get it out come heck and high water. I did it once on a test piece and it was awful.just looked like smudged blob. Anyone else?

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I had a big fail too using in micro marker for black hair. It looked beautiful at first, then is spread and took on a purplish hue. Stripped it, or tried to. The vinyl was irreparably stained. Bought a new head.

I have never tried them but I do see that BellaBambinoNursery sells them for use on reborns on Ebay.

The bit that says “once applied they will not wipe off” is a worry. What if I am not happy with the way they look? Which is far too often. I once bought something similar but could not get the line fine enough; ended up using it to mark the kit parts .

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I would personally never ever use a micron on a reborn, the ink will bleed and change color over time. if she’d like to try and remove it I’d suggest acne treatment with oxy 10. if she’s lucky that will take it off.